Home PageMeeting Minutes

August 2, 2022 Regular Town Board Meeting

Town of Dodgeville
Town Board Meeting Minutes
August 2nd, 2022
*6:00 p.m.*

1) Call to order. Town Supervisor, Curt Peterson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

Town Supervisors in attendance were Peter Vanderloo, Pam Johnson-Loy, David Pope and Kyle Levetzow. Also, in attendance were Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson, Jim Senzig, Brad Lepke, Randy Beerkircher, Kevin Zajicek and Pat Miess.

Everyone in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

2) Approval of Public Notice/Agenda. Supervisor, Kyle Levetzow made a motion to approve the public notice and agenda seconded by Supervisor, Peter Vanderloo. Motion carried.

Kyle Levetzow made a motion to suspend the agenda and move to Item #9 Opening of Bids & Awarding of Esch Road Improvement Project TRIP. David Pope seconded the motion. Motion carried.

3) Discussion & possible action re: Opening of Bids & Awarding of Esch Road Improvement Project TRIP. Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson opened and presented bids from Scott Construction in the amount of $63,336.45 and Lepke Trucking & Excavating in the amount of $72,650.55. Peter Vanderloo made a motion to award the Esch Road Improvement Project TRIP to Scotts Construction. Kyle Levetzow seconded the motion. Motion carried.

4) Public Comment. Town resident Pat Miess discussed the road right-of-way markers that had been placed on Miess Road, previous conversations and correspondence that were had in regards to the right-of-way with Curt Peterson and Peter Vanderloo and was inquiring about a road right-of-way policy. Pat indicated concerns in regards to markers not being placed on the other side of the road or other roadways, potentially being singled out and required driveway approaches. The Town of Dodgeville agreed to removing of the road right-of-way signs as long as reassurance is given that crops will not be placed within the right-of-way and the ditches will remain.

5) Approval of Meeting Minutes from July 5, 2022. Pam Johnson-Loy made a motion to approve the July 5th, 2022 meeting minutes as presented. Kyle Levetzow seconded the motion. Motion carried.

6) Approval of Treasurer’s Report for General, Sanitary District #1 and Tax Collection Account. Kyle Levetzow made a motion to approve the Town of Dodgeville’s July 2022 Treasurer’s Report stating the following fund balances:

General Checking $ 129,670.12
Farmer’s Savings $ 879,221.04
Local Government Investment Pool $ 7,426.40
Farmer’s Savings Tax Account $ 0.00
Mound City Tax Account $ 383,784.38

Township Funds: $1,400,101.94
ARPA Funds: $ 153,826.21

David Pope seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Kyle Levetzow made a motion to approve Sanitary District #1 Treasurer’s Report as submitted stating the following fund balances:

Sanitary District #1 $13,517.64

David Pope seconded the motion. Motion carried.

7) Bills to be approved. David Pope made a motion to approve the August 2nd, 2022 vouchers in the amount of $15,066.53 and Sanitary District #1 vouchers in the amount of $8,372.27. Kyle Levetzow seconded the motion. Motion carried.

8) Town Roads/Equipment Report. Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson presented an estimate cost of $29,000.00 for wedging of Evans Quarry Road and presented information in regards to sealcoat damages on Davis and Griffiths Road that were caused due by turning equipment around on the roadway. The Town Board requested that letters be sent to the individual property owners in regards to the damages and the potential of future costs if the damages aren’t healed with the placement of lime chips on the area.

9) Clerk/Treasurer Report. Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson presented information in regards to being contacted by Eric Evans in regards to the placement of a fence around the Town of Dodgeville’s property on Evans Road, gave an overview from the Hazard Mitigation Training, presented information from the DOT in regards to the recent resolution regarding US 18/151 and presented information from Iowa County Planning & Development.

10) Discussion and possible action re: Final Road Acceptance Black Diamond Subdivision (Jay Drive). Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson presented information in regards to the status of Jay Drive and the need to finish re-seeding and completing the blacktop. Kyle Levetzow made a motion to release 95% of the letter of credit that was received for this project, retaining 5% until the roadwork is completed and final acceptance can occur. Pam Johnson-Loy seconded the motion. Motion carried.

11) Discussion & possible action re: Deposit Coverages at Financial Institutions / IntraFi CD Program. Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson and Peter Vanderloo updated the Board in regards to the schedule and placement of funds into the IntraFi CD Program. Peter Vanderloo made a motion to approve 4 installments of $250,000.00 (August, September, October, November) into the IntraFi CD Program as well as authorizing Town Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson to sign on behalf of the Town of Dodgeville for investment and reinvestments. The breakdown of the CDs will be $50,000 in a 4-week CD $100,000 in a 13-week CD and $100,000 in a 26-week CD. Kyle Levetzow seconded the motion. Motion carried. Kyle Levetzow made a motion to close out the existing tax account with Mound City Bank. David Pope seconded the motion. Motion carried.

12) Discussion & possible action re: Premium Pay Bonus (ARPA Funds). The Town Board discussed the issuance of a premium pay bonus to all Town employees utilizing the ARPA Funds for hours worked from 12-8-2021 thru 8-2-2022. Kyle Levetzow made a motion to issue a $1.50 an hour premium pay bonus to the Recycling Center Attendants; a $1.00 an hour premium pay bonus to the part-time/seasonal Town Road patrolmen and a $3.00 an hour premium pay bonus to the election workers. The premium pay bonus is based on hours physically worked and is from 12/8/2021 – 8/2/20222. David Pope seconded the motion. Motion carried. Kyle Levetzow made a motion to issue a $1.50 an hour premium pay bonus to the Clerk/Treasurer and a $1.00 an hour premium pay bonus to the Full-Time Patrolmen. The premium pay bonus is based upon a 40 hour work week and is from 12/8/2021 – 8/2/2022. David Pope seconded the motion. Motion carried.

13) Adjournment. David Pope made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:23 p.m. Pam Johnson-Loy seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sara J. Olson, Clerk-Treasurer


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108 E Leffler St, Dodgeville, WI 53533-2114
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