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December 7, 2010 Regular Town Board Meeting
Town of Dodgeville
Town Board Meeting Minutes
December 7th, 2010
6:00 p.m.
1) Call to order. Town Chairman, Curt Peterson called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M.
Town Supervisors in attendance were: Thomas Mueller, David Gollon, Charlie Price and David Thomas. Also in attendance was Clerk Sara Olson and Keith Dalsing (K.D. Engineering).
2) Approval of Public Notice/Agenda. Supervisor, Thomas Mueller made a motion to approve the public notice and agenda seconded by Supervisor, David Gollon. Motion carried.
Curt Peterson made a motion to suspend the agenda and go to Item #9, Discussion & possible action re: Brue Road Project. Thomas Mueller seconded the motion. Motion carried.
3) Discussion & possible action re: Brue Road Project. Keith Dalsing reviewed the preliminary plans for the Brue Road project with the Town Board. Keith indicated that there were items that will need to be considered and handled accordingly including: Prevailing Wage Rates, Minor relocation of the creek to a straight stretch and wetland issues (DNR Chapter 30). Keith Dalsing indicated that we would not be able to bid this project out until May or after due to the wetland issues. David Thomas made a motion to have Keith Dalsing contact Applied Ecological to obtain a price for wetland delineation and indicated that Charlie Price will be in contact with the Miller’s and Judd’s about easements that the Town of Dodgeville will need to obtain. Thomas Mueller seconded the motion. Motion carried.
4) Approval of Meeting Minutes from November 9th 2010. David Gollon made a motion to approve the November 9th, 2010 Town Board Minutes with a correction to paragraph #8. Paragraph #8 needs to indicate that the Town of Dodgeville is requiring the Iowa County Humane Society to provide an address or location in which the citizen had found or obtained the stray animal. David Gollon also made a motion to approve the remaining of November 9th, 2010 minutes as submitted. Thomas Mueller seconded the motion. Charlie Price abstained. Motion carried.
5) Approval of Treasurer’s Report for General, Sanitary District #1, 2, 3 and Tax Collection Account. Charlie Price made a motion to approve the Town of Dodgeville November 2010 Treasurer’s Report as submitted stating the following fund balances:
General Checking $103,825.45
Farmer’s Savings $ 1,481.37
M&I Tax Account $ 7,001.10
Local Government Investment Pool $ 6,941.79
M&I CD’s $150,889.28
Total Funds: $270,138.99
Thomas Mueller seconded the motion. Motion carried.
David Thomas made a motion to approve Sanitary Districts #1, 2, 3 Treasurer’s Report and Tax Collection Account as submitted stating the following fund balances:
Sanitary District #1 $13,790.00
Sanitary District #2 $ 2,632.43
Sanitary District #3 $ 246.07
David Gollon seconded the motion. Motion carried.
6) Bills to be approved. David Gollon made a motion to approve all the December Vouchers as submitted totaling $16,331.38. Thomas Mueller seconded the motion. Motion carried.
7) Town Road Report. Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson presented the Town Board information from the UW Extension in reference to the Building Community Capacity through Broadband Initiative. Curt Peterson also indicated that he attended the County Rd Y Interchange meeting with the DOT held at the Iowa County Highway Department.
8) Clerk/Treasurer Report. None
9) Discussion & possible action re: Planning Commission Recommendation. Thomas Mueller made a motion to approve the rezoning application of Joseph & Rebecca Cleary, located in part of the SW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 31, Town 7 North, Range 4 East to rezone 11.75 acres more or less from A-1 non-conforming to AR-1 Ag Residential. David Gollon seconded the motion. Motion carried.
10) Discussion & possible action re: Past Due Invoice for water leak in Sanitary District #3. David Gollon made a motion to recommend to the Sanitary District #3 Board of Commission to charge a maintenance fee to the Sanitary District #3 user over the next several months prior to the annexation to obtain the repair cost of the water leak due to the past due invoice has not been paid. Thomas Mueller seconded the motion. Motion carried.
11) Discussion & possible action re: Town Shop Sign. Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson presented the Town Board with a quote from Funk Sign Company for the Town Shop Signs as requested. Thomas Mueller made a motion to approve the purchasing of two sets of Gemini plastic formed letters in the amount of $696.00 each as well as the lettering to be installed on the doors for a cost of $65.00. Charlie Price seconded the motion. Motion carried.
12) Discussion & possible action re: Purchasing of New Garage Door. Clerk/Treasure Sara Olson presented the Town Board with two quotes for purchasing new garage doors. David Gollon made a motion to purchase three garage doors for a total of $6,210.00 from Long Grove Enterprises who submitted the lowest quote. The Town of Dodgeville will be selling the existing garage doors on the Wisconsin Surplus Auction website. Thomas Mueller seconded the motion.
13) Discussion & possible action re: Shop Storage Space. Town Chairman, Curt Peterson indicated that their maybe a need for more storage space in the Town Shop. Thomas Mueller indicated that he had some extra shelving available free of charge if the Town of Dodgeville would be interested. The Town Board indicated that they would have the Town Patrolman look at the available shelving. No action taken.
14) Discussion & possible action re: Shared Road Agreement with the City of Dodgeville. Thomas Mueller made a motion to accept the Shared Road Agreement with the City of Dodgeville for 2011 for Snow Plowing. David Gollon seconded the motion. Motion carried.
15) Discussion & possible action re: Board Approval of Per Diems and Mileage Reimbursement for meetings outside of Regular Town Board Meetings. The Town Board discussed the current per diems and mileage reimbursement process. Thomas Mueller made a motion to have all meeting outside of Town Board and Plan Commission Meetings approved by the Town Board prior to a per diem being paid to the Town Board member. David Gollon seconded the motion. Motion carried.
16) Closed Session in Accordance with Wisconsin Statue 19.85 (1) (c) to consider employment, promotion, employee hours, compensation or performance evaluation of any public employee of which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility and in Accordance with Wisconsin Statue 19.85 (1) (g) to confer with legal counsel for the governmental body who is rendering oral or written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to litigation in which is or is likely to become involved. Thomas Mueller made a motion to go into closed session in Accordance with Wisconsin Statue 19.85 (1) (c) to consider employment, promotion, employee hours, compensation or performance evaluation of any public employee of which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility and in Accordance with Wisconsin Statue 19.85 (1) (g) to confer with legal counsel for the governmental body who is rendering oral or written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to litigation in which is or is likely to become involved. David Thomas seconded the motion. Motion carried. Roll call: Peterson, yes; Gollon, yes; Price, yes; Mueller, yes and Thomas, yes. Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson was also present during closed session.
17) Reconvene into Open Session. Thomas Mueller made a motion to reconvene into open session. David Gollon seconded the motion. Motion carried.
18) Board Action as a Result of Closed Session. Charlie Price made a motion to give all full-time employees a Christmas Bonus in the amount of $100, part-time employees $50, Harland Martin $25 and John White $25.00. Thomas Mueller seconded the motion. Motion carried.
19) Public Comment. Thomas Mueller indicated that he filed his notice of Non-Candidacy for the Spring Election.
20) Adjournment. Thomas Mueller made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 P.M. David Gollon seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sara J. Olson, Clerk-Treasurer
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