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February 5, 2013 Regular Town Board Meeting
Town of Dodgeville
Town Board Meeting Minutes
February 5th, 2013
6:00 p.m.
1) Call to order. Town Chairman, Curt Peterson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Town Supervisors in attendance were: David Gollon, Charlie Price, Dorothy Gullickson and David Blume. Also in attendance were Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson, Greg Jewell, Keith Dalsing, John Halverson, Josh Fowler and John Pipal.
2) Approval of Public Notice/Agenda. Supervisor, Charlie Price made a motion to approve the public notice and agenda seconded by Supervisor, Dorothy Gullickson. Motion carried.
Dorothy Gullickson made a motion to suspend the agenda and move to Item #8. David Gollon seconded the motion. Motion carried.
3) Discussion & possible action re: Plan Commission Recommendations. The Town Board discussed the individual petitions in details and the following motions were made:
David Gollon made a motion to recommend the approval of the rezoning of 3.18 acres more or less from A-1 Ag to AR-1 with the appropriate amount of land being placed into the conservancy district located in part of the NE ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 18 Town 6 North Range 3 East located at 3893 Wilson Road currently owned by Brad Olson Estate. David Blume seconded the motion. Motion carried.
David Gollon made a motion to recommend the approval of the rezoning of 15.01 acres more or less from AR-1 and A-1 to AR-1 to increase the existing lot size located in part of the NE ¼ of the SE ¼ and the SE ¼ of Section 25 Town 6 North Range 3 East located at 5392 Section Line Road in the Town of Dodgeville which is currently owned by George Lazarues. Dorothy Gullickson seconded the motion. Motion carried. No land was required to be put into a conservancy district due to they were only increasing the existing lot size.
David Gollon made a motion to recommend the approval of the rezoning of 5 more or less from AR-1 to B-3 Heavy Business located in the NE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 23 Town 6 North Range 3 East located at 4949 County Road YZ in the Town of Dodgeville currently being owned by Joshua & Melissa Fowler. Charlie Price seconded the motion. Motion carried. David Gollon made a motion to recommend the following conditional uses: agricultural uses, a residence, light manufacturing of metal and rental storage space of the existing building with the following restrictions: lighting must be direct lighting, design water retention area to predevelopment stage and dumpster (scrap piles) must be put into an enclosure or not visible from the street. Charlie Price seconded the motion. Motion carried.
4) Discussion & possible action re: Proposals for Blotz Bridge Consultant Design Engineering Services. The Town Board reviewed and critiqued the four proposals in detail. David Gollon made a motion to select Jewell & Associates as the preferred firm for the 2011-2016 STP Bridge and Rural Road Consultant Engineering Service contract. Dorothy Gullickson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
5) Approval or Denial of Operator’s License for Ashley Carlson. David Blume made a motion to approve the operator’s license for Ashley Carlson. Dorothy Gullickson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
6) Approval of Meeting Minutes from January 8th, 2013. Charlie Price had indicated that not only was he opposed on Item #10 of the December 4th meeting be he voted no on Item #10 as well. Item #7 on the January 8th, 2013 meeting minutes will be modified indicating this change. David Blume made a motion to approve the January 8th, 2013 minutes with the modification. Dorothy Gullickson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
7) Approval of Treasurer’s Report for General, Sanitary District #1, 2, and Tax Collection Account. Charlie Price made a motion to approve the Town of Dodgeville January 2013 Treasurer’s Report as submitted stating the following fund balances:
General Checking $ 38,025.20
Farmer’s Savings $ 137,359.43
M&I Tax Account $ 473,277.17
Farmer’s Savings Tax Account $ 558,327.06
Local Government Investment Pool $ 6,964.86
M&I CD’s $ 50,717.41
Township Funds: $ 381,147.73
David Gollon seconded the motion. Motion carried. Dorothy Gullickson abstained from the motion.
Charlie Price made a motion to approve Sanitary Districts #1 and 2 Treasurer’s Report as submitted stating the following fund balances:
Sanitary District #1 $15,517.23
Sanitary District #2 $10,313.50
David Gollon seconded the motion. Motion carried.
8) Bills to be approved. David Blume made a motion to approve the February vouchers totaling $27,265.11. David Gollon seconded the motion. Motion carried.
9) Town Roads/Equipment Report. Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson distributed the road report indicating that all equipment was working well and everything is running smoothly.
10) Clerk/Treasurer Report. Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson had indicated that there would be an election on February 19th and our dog license clinic will be held on March 2nd, 2013.
11) Discussion & possible action re: Fire Contract Negotiations. The Town of Dodgeville worked on a counter proposal to submit back to the City of Dodgeville. The Town modified some of the items on the original agreement that was submitted. A letter was also attached to the agreement to make our position and sincerity clear in coming to an agreement on the fire contract. The Town Board had instructed the Clerk/Treasurer to forward the correspondence to the City of Dodgeville. The Town Board has also indicated that they would like some clarity in regards to the article that was published in the paper indicating that the large fires had put them over budget when the Township paid for two of these large fires.
12) Discussion & possible action re: Ridge Cap on Town Hall. Town Board Supervisor, David Gollon had indicated that the Town Hall needs a new ridge cap as the old cap has cracks on it and will eventually start to leak. The Town Board had requested that the Clerk/Treasurer obtain quotes from some individuals on replacing the existing ridge cap.
13) Public Comment. None
14) Adjournment. David Blume made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Charlie Price seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sara J. Olson, Clerk-Treasurer
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