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June 1, 2010 Regular Town Board Meeting
Town of Dodgeville
Regular Town Board Meeting
June 1, 2010 @ 6:00 p.m.
1) Call to order. Town Chairman, Curt Peterson called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m.
Town Supervisors in attendance were: Thomas Mueller, David Gollon, and David Thomas. Absent was Charles Price. Also in attendance were Clerk Sara Olson, Jamie Ammann, Bill Ammann and Robert Butler.
2) Approval of Public Notice/Agenda. Supervisor, Thomas Mueller made a motion to approve the public notice and agenda seconded by Supervisor, David Thomas. Motion carried.
Thomas Mueller made a motion to suspend the agenda and move to Item #13. David Thomas seconded the motion. Motion carried.
3) Discussion & possible action re: Sanitary District #3 Annexation Agreement and Waterleak Issues. Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson presented information to the Town Board in reference to a waterleak that had taken place in Sanitary District #3. Sanitary District #3 is D.A. Auto in which Bill and Jamie Ammann were present at the meeting and had some concerns on what had caused the waterleak due to it looked as if the pipe had been damaged by something. Bill and Jamie both indicated that the state had done work and dug out by Curtis Road where the leak was when they were preparing for the round-about. Bill had indicated that he didn’t feel as if D.A. Auto or the Town should have to pay for this leak but the person who damaged the pipe should be held responsible for their actions and pay for the leak. The Town Board had asked Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson to contact the State as well as the City of Dodgeville to see if we could get information on who is possibly responsible for the waterleak.
4) Approval of Meeting Minutes from May 4th, 2010. Thomas Mueller made a motion to approve the May 4th, 2010 minutes as presented. David Thomas seconded the motion. Motion carried. David Gollon abstained as he was not present at this board meeting.
5) Approval of Treasurer’s Report for General, Sanitary District #1, 2, 3 and Tax Collection Account. David Gollon made a motion to accept the Town of Dodgeville May 2010 Treasurer’s Report as submitted stating the following fund balances:
General Checking $ 29,942.71
Farmer’s Savings $ 1,479.23
M&I Bank Tax Account $ 89,136.65
Local Government Investment Pool $ 6,934.04
M&I Bank CD’s $ 150,414.36
David Thomas seconded the motion. Motion carried. Thomas Mueller abstained from this motion.
David Gollon made a motion to approve Sanitary Districts #1, 2, 3 Treasurer’s Report and Tax Collection Account as submitted stating the following fund balances:
Sanitary District #1 $ 11,785.52
Sanitary District #2 $ 4,966.19
Sanitary District #3 $ 217.20
David Thomas seconded the motion. Motion carried.
6) Bills to be approved. David Gollon made a motion to approve the June vouchers in the amount of $14,048.89. David Thomas seconded the motion. Motion carried. Thomas Mueller abstained from this motion.
7) Appointment of Plan Commission Member to serve three year term ending in April 2013. Thomas Mueller made a motion to appoint Anthony Esch to serve a three year term on the Town of Dodgeville Planning Commission. David Thomas seconded the motion. Motion carried.
8) Town Roads Report. Clerk/Treasurer, Sara Olson presented the Town Board with Charlie Rolli’s summary of the work week sheets for the month of May. No action taken.
9) Town Office Report. None
10) Approval or Denial of Beer, Liquor and Cigarette Licenses for the 2010-2011 licensing year. (Pleasant Ridge Store, House on the Rock, Jumping Jupiter, Quality Liquid Feeds (Formerly Thym’s) and Sam & Maddies Inc. Thomas Mueller made a motion to approve the issuance of a 2010-2011 Class B Beer license for Pleasant Ridge Store (Charles Rolli, Agent). David Thomas seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Thomas Mueller made a motion to approve a cigarette license and the issuance of a 2010-2011 Class A Beer/Liquor Combination license for Jumping Jupiter (Susan M. Grimes, Agent). David Thomas seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Thomas Mueller made a motion to approve the issuance of a 2010-2011 Class B Beer/Liquor Combination license for Quality Liquid Feeds. (Cory Berg, Agent).This license allows alcoholic beverages to be served in the building located at 3625 State Road 23 in the lounge, upstairs & downstairs and 2 dining rooms. David Thomas seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Thomas Mueller made a motion to approve the issuance of a 2010-2011 Class B Beer/Liquor Combination license for Vivid, Inc. (Nancy Schaaf, Agent). David Thomas seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Thomas Mueller made a motion to approve a cigarette license and the issuance of a 2010-2011 Class B Beer/Liquor Combination license for Sam & Maddies, Inc. (Nick Olson, Agent). David Thomas seconded the motion. Motion carried.
11) Approval or Denial of Operator Licenses for the 2010-2011 licensing year. David Thomas made a motion to approve an operator license for the 2010-2011 licensing year for Stephanie Wallace upon receiving her bartender certificate and background check information. David Gollon seconded the motion. Motion carried.
David Thomas made a motion to approve operator licenses for the 2010-2011 licensing year for the following individuals: Shane Menning, Megan Pittz, Teri Odgers, Michael Slaney, Lauren Gullickson, Heather Olson, Susan Grimes, Doyle Wallace, Susan Peterson, David Grainger, Virgil Leverton, Nancy Schaaf, Betty Smith, David Raess, Melinda Barnicle, Laura Fruit and Carol Wood. David Gollon seconded the motion. Motion carried.
12) Discussion re: Review of Farmland Preservation Mapping Exercise. Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson presented the Farmland Preservation mapping exercise to the Town Board and updated them on the status of the mapping exercise.
13) Discussion & possible action re: Iowa County Amendatory Ordinance No. 6-0803 Proposal. Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson present information to the Town Board in reference to a rezoning hearing which was Amendatory Ordinance No. 6-0803 that wasn’t completed by property owner Linda Lewis. The Town Board had requested that this be viewed by the Planning Commission before the Town Board would take action. No action taken.
14) Discussion & possible action re: Blotz/Brennan Road Intersection. David Gollon indicated to the Town Board that the right turn no stop sign on the intersection of Blotz/Brennan Road was causing safety issues. Thomas Mueller made a motion to remove the right turn no stop sign for the stop sign post. David Gollon seconded the motion.
15) Discussion & possible adoption re: Resolution 2010-268 stating that the 2009 DNR Compliance Maintenance Report was reviewed. Thomas Mueller made a motion to adopt Resolution 2010-268 stating that the 2009 DNR Compliance Maintenance Report was reviewed. David Thomas seconded the motion. Motion carried.
16) Closed Session in Accordance with Wisconsin Statue 19.85 (1) (g) to consider confer with legal counsel for the governmental body who is rendering oral or written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to litigation in which is or is likely to become involved. Thomas Mueller made a motion to go into closed session in Accordance with Wisconsin Statue 19.85 (1) (g) to consider confer with legal counsel for the governmental body who is rendering oral or written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to litigation in which is or is likely to become involved. David Thomas seconded the motion. Roll call: Thomas, yes, Peterson, yes, and Mueller, yes, and Gollon, yes. Motion carried.
17) Reconvene into Open Session. Thomas Mueller made a motion to reconvene into open session. David Thomas seconded the motion. Motion carried.
18) Board Action as a Result of Closed Session. No action taken.
19) Public Comment. None
20) Adjournment. Thomas Mueller made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:39 p.m. David Thomas seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sara J. Olson, Clerk-Treasurer
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