Home PageMeeting Minutes

June 4, 2024 Regular Town Board Meeting

Town of Dodgeville
Town Board Meeting Minutes
June 4th, 2024
*Immediately following the Board of Review *

1) Call to order. Town Supervisor, Curt Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.

Town Supervisors in attendance were Peter Vanderloo, David Pope, Pam Johnson-Loy and Kyle Levetzow. Also in attendance were Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson, Jeff Haylock, Jenna Vondra, Randy Beerkircher and Kevin Zajicek.

Everyone in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

2) Approval of Public Notice/Agenda. Supervisor, Kyle Levetzow made a motion to approve the public notice and agenda seconded by Supervisor, David Pope. Motion carried.

3) Public Comment. None.

4) Approval of Meeting Minutes from May 7th, 2024. Peter Vanderloo made a motion to approve the meeting minutes from May 7th, 2024 as presented. Kyle Levetzow seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Kyle Levetzow made a motion to suspend the agenda and move to Item #10 Room Tax. David Pope seconded the motion. Motion carried.

5) Discussion & possible action re: Room Tax. Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson presented an e-mail from Barry Hottmann in regards to room tax discussions that were needed. The Town Board discussed the individual questions and had asked Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson to provide Barry feedback so discussion can continue and we can continue to have the attorney’s draft the Room Tax Ordinance and Intergovernmental Agreement creating a joint room tax commission and tourism zone.

6) Approval of Treasurer’s Report for General, Sanitary District #1 and Tax Collection Account. Kyle Levetzow made a motion to approve the Town of Dodgeville’s May 2024 Treasurer’s Report stating the following fund balances:

General Checking $ 291,436.17
General Checking – Tax Funds $ 0.00
Farmer’s Savings $ 202,769.13
Farmer’s Savings – Tax Funds $ 0.00
Local Government Investment Pool $ 8,061.00
Farmer’s Savings Tax Account $ 0.00
Intra-Fi CD’s $ 827,265.37

Township Funds: $1,329,531.67
Tax Funds: $ 0.00
ARPA Funds: $ 130,407.84

Pam Johnson-Loy seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Kyle Levetzow made a motion to approve Sanitary District #1 Treasurer’s Report as submitted stating the following fund balances:

Sanitary District #1 $ 13,205.57

Pam Johnson-Loy seconded the motion. Motion carried.

7) Bills to be approved. Kyle Levetzow made a motion to approve the May 7th, 2024 vouchers in the amount of $19,770.53 and Sanitary District #1 vouchers in the amount of $3,145.39. Peter Vanderloo seconded the motion. Motion carried.

8) Town Roads/Equipment Report. Town Patrolman, Randy Beerkircher updated the Town Board in regards to the status of the mower tractor, equipment and roadways.

9) Clerk/Treasurer Report. Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson indicated that she would be utilizing some vacation time on June 5th, 2024.

10) Discussion & possible action re: Planning Commission Recommendations. Clerk-Treasurer Sara Olson presented the rezoning application and maps for the application of Gene & Susan Iverson to rezone a 10-acre parcel from R-1 & A-1 Ag Legal Non-Conforming to AR-1 located in part of the NW ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 20, Town 7 North, Range 4 East at 5386 N. Clay Hill Road. Kyle Levetzow made a motion to recommend the approval of the rezoning application of Gene & Susan Iverson to rezone a 10 acre parcel from R-1 & A-1 Ag Legal Non-Conforming to AR-1 located in part of the NW ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 20, Town 7 North, Range 4 East at 5386 N. Clay Hill Road. Pam Johnson-Loy seconded the motion. Motion carried.

11) Approval or Denial of Class “A” and “B” Beer, and Liquor Licenses for the 2024-2025 licensing year. Jumping Jupiter LLC – Class “A” Beer & Liquor (Susan Grimes, Agent), Pleasant Ridge County Store LLC – Class “B” Beer & Liquor (Charles E. Rolli, Agent), Kate’s Bait LLC – Class “A” Beer (Kathyrn L. Mosley, Agent) and White Oak Savannah – Class “B” Beer & Liquor (Brandon Wilhelm, Agent).

Kyle Levetzow made a motion to approve the issuance of a 2024-2025 Class “A” Beer & Liquor License for Jumping Jupiter LLC (Susan Grimes, Agent). Peter Vanderloo seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Kyle Levetzow made a motion to approve the issuance of a 2024-2025 Class “B” Beer & Liquor license for Pleasant Ridge Store (Charles Rolli, Agent). Peter Vanderloo seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Kyle Levetzow made a motion to approve the issuance of a 2024-2025 Class “A” Beer license for Kate’s Bait LLC (Kathryn Mosley, Agent). Peter Vanderloo seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Kyle Levetzow made a motion to approve the issuance of a 2024-2025 Class “B” Beer & Liquor license for White Oak Savannah, LLC. (Brandon Wilhelm, Agent). Peter Vanderloo seconded the motion. Motion carried.

12) Approval or Denial of Operator Licenses for the 2024-2025 licensing year: Ashley Anderson, Jenni Mae Mook, Terri Rolli, Nicole Martin, Sarah Mook, Sydney Judd, Kirsten Kligora, Megan Pittz, Grace Hicks, Elizabeth Grutz, Chad Mosley, Dale Rickey, Lily Rickey, David Busse, Debra Rickey, Doyle Wallace and Paul Gaynor. Kyle Levetzow made a motion to approve operator licenses for the 2024-2025 licensing year for the following individuals: Ashley Anderson, Jenni Mae Mook, Terri Rolli, Nicole Martin, Sarah Mook, Sydney Judd, Kirsten Kligora, Megan Pittz, Grace Hicks, Elizabeth Grutz, Chad Mosley, Dale Rickey, Lily Rickey, David Busse, Debra Rickey, Doyle Wallace and Paul Gaynor. Peter Vanderloo seconded the motion. Motion carried.

13) Discussion & possible action re: Resolution 2024-140 E-CMAR 2023. Kyle Levetzow made a motion to adopt Resolution 2024-140 E-CMAR 2023 as presented. Pam Johnson-Loy seconded the motion. Motion carried.

14) Discussion & possible action re: Extended Warranty on Backhoe. Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson presented information in regards to purchasing a 60 month 3000hr powertrain & hydraulic extended warranty on the backhoe/endloader. Peter Vanderloo made a motion to purchase the 60 month 3000hr powertrain & hydraulic extended warranty. Kyle Levetzow seconded the motion. Motion carried.

15) Discussion & possible action re: Floyd Road. The Town Board discussed obtaining bids for blacktopping 0.5 miles of Floyd Road and adding an additional 4” inches of gravel to the base. Peter Vanderloo made a motion to obtain bids for the Floyd Road Improvements. Pam Johnson-Loy seconded the motion. Motion carried.

16) Discussion & possible action re: Town Office. The Town Board discussed improvements to be made to the Town Office which included: re-painting the office, adding chair rails on the walls and converting to LED lighting. Peter Vanderloo also inquired about the possibility of purchasing a projection screen.

17) Discussion & possible action re: ARPA Funds. The Town Board members mentioned possible projects to utilize the ARPA Funds and requested Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson look into the potential costs of some of the mentioned projects. No action was taken.

18) Adjournment. Peter Vanderloo made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 p.m. David Pope seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sara J. Olson, Clerk-Treasurer


June 4, 2024 Regular Town Board Meeting
May 7, 2024 Regular Town Board Meeting
May 3, 2024 Special Town Board Meeting
April 29, 2024 Planning Commission Meeting
April 27, 2024 Fence Viewing Meeting
April 16, 2024 Regular Town Board Meeting
March 25, 2024 Planning Commission Meeting
March 5, 2024 Regular Town Board Meeting
February 26, 2024 Planning Commission Meeting
February 6, 2024 Regular Town Board Meeting

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Town of Dodgeville, Iowa County, Wisconsin
108 E Leffler St, Dodgeville, WI 53533-2114
Tel. 608-935-5808 | Fax 608-208-9170
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