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October 2, 2012 Regular Town Board Meeting
Town of Dodgeville
Town Board Meeting Minutes
October 2nd, 2012
6:00 p.m.
1) Call to order. Town Chairman, Curt Peterson called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m.
Town Supervisors in attendance were: David Gollon, Charlie Price and David Blume. Also in attendance were Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson, and Sharon Nicholas.
2) Approval of Public Notice/Agenda. Supervisor, David Blume made a motion to approve the public notice and agenda seconded by Supervisor, David Gollon. Motion carried.
David Blume made a motion to suspend the agenda and move to Item #16. David Gollon seconded the motion. Motion carried.
3) Closed Session in Accordance with Wisconsin Statue 19.85 (1) (c) to consider employment, promotion, employee hours, compensation or performance evaluation of any public employee of which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. David Gollon made a motion to go into closed session in Accordance with Wisconsin Statue 19.85 (1) (c) to consider employment, promotion, employee hours, compensation or performance evaluation of any public employee of which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. Curt Peterson seconded the motion. Motion carried. Roll call: Peterson, yes; Gollon, yes; Price, yes; and Blume, yes. Charlie Rolli was also in attendance during Closed Session.
4) Reconvene into Open Session. David Blume made a motion to reconvene into open session at 6:35 p.m. Charlie Price seconded the motion. Motion carried.
5) Board Action as a Result of Closed Session. David Gollon made a motion to have Charlie Rolli follow thru with obtaining information on his current limitations from his therapist and report to Curt Peterson with these limitations/restrictions in writing. Curt Peterson will work up a light duty assignment for Charlie Rolli so he can report to work immediately after following through part-time. David Blume seconded the motion. Motion carried. The Town Board will review the light duty assignment at the next months Board Meeting.
6) Approval of Meeting Minutes from September 4th, 2012. Charlie Price made a motion to approve the minutes from September 4th as presented. David Gollon seconded the motion. Motion carried.
7) Approval of Treasurer’s Report for General, Sanitary District #1, 2, and Tax Collection Account. Charlie Price made a motion to approve the Town of Dodgeville September 2012 Treasurer’s Report as submitted stating the following fund balances:
General Checking $ 116,310.37
Farmer’s Savings $ 51,569.89
M&I Tax Account $ 143,539.79
Local Government Investment Pool $ 6,960.60
M&I CD’s $ 101,224.41
Township Funds: $ 419,605.06
David Gollon seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Charlie Price made a motion to approve Sanitary Districts #1 and 2 Treasurer’s Report as submitted stating the following fund balances:
Sanitary District #1 $13,172.57
Sanitary District #2 $ 8,315.98
David Gollon seconded the motion. Motion carried
8) Bills to be approved. David Blume made a motion to approve all the October vouchers as submitted totaling $60,568.83. David Gollon seconded the motion. Motion carried.
9) Town Roads/Equipment Report. Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson indicated that Iverson Construction had the blacktopped portion of Roh/Walters Road completed and were working on some of the final shouldering. Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson had also indicated that the International was going to be serviced for the winter at YZ Truck Service. David Gollon had indicated that he would like the Town Patrolman to develop a schedule of when things are typically completed so if anyone is gone for an extended period of time there is some kind of direction for someone who is helping.
10) Clerk/Treasurer Report. Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson had indicated that she had contacted four insurance agents requesting proposals. The Town Board had indicated that Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson and Charlie Price were to meet with the individual agents to discuss their proposals and bring feedback to the board meeting held on October 15th, 2012 due to our current coverage ends November 1st, 2013.
11) Discussion & possible action re: Plan Commission Recommendations. David Gollon made a motion to recommend the rezoning of 15.95 acres more or less from B-2 Highway Business to B-3 Heavy Business located in part of the SW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 9, Town 6 North, Range 3 East located on State Road 23 in the Town of Dodgeville. David Blume seconded the motion. Motion carried. David Gollon made a motion to approve the following conditional uses: manufacturing and selling of building materials, agricultural uses and the processing and selling of agricultural/food products with the conditions that appropriate screening is placed around waste and scrap containers. David Blume seconded the motion. Motion carried.
12) Discussion & possible action re: 2013 Humane Society Contract. Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson presented the Humane Society Contract for 2013. The Town Board discussed the new contract as the contract terms are changing at $125.00 per animal versus a flat contract fee. Charlie Price made a motion to contract dogs only at $125.00 per animal and any animal requiring quarantine due to a bite incident .Sara Olson will be the authorized person to authorize the acceptance of stray dogs during normal business hours and Curt Peterson after office hours. David Gollon seconded the motion. Motion carried.
13) Discussion & possible action re: Fire contract negotiations. Town Supervisor, David Blume passed out a sample agreement that was drafted by the City of Dodgeville’s attorney as a template. The Town Board indicated that they would review the agreement and start to modify the agreement to meet the Townships needs.
14) Discussion & possible action re: Amended Resolution 2008-109 Fire Calls in the Township of Dodgeville. The Town of Dodgeville discussed the resolution, however no action was taken due to the Town is working on be renegotiating the existing fire contract.
15) Discussion & possible action re: Newsletter Content. Town Supervisor, David Blume had indicated that he would like to put a list of new businesses in the Township in the annual newsletter that is sent with the tax bills to welcome them to our municipality.
16) Discussion & possible action re: Blade Saver for Peterbuilt. David Blume made a motion to purchase and install the blade saver on the Peterbuilt for approximately $2,100.00. David Gollon seconded the motion. Motion carried.
17) Discussion & possible adoption re: Resolution 2012-280 Regarding American transmission company’s application 137ce160 including 345 kv transmission and alternative solutions. No action taken as no representative was in attendance.
18) Discussion re: Setting of budget meetings. The Town Board set budget meetings for October 8th, 2012 and October 15th, 2012.
19) Public Comment. None
20) Adjournment. David Gollon made a motion to adjourn the meeting. David Blume seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sara J. Olson, Clerk-Treasurer
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