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September 4, 2012 Regular Town Board Meeting
Town of Dodgeville
Town Board Meeting Minutes
September 4th, 2012
6:00 p.m.
1) Call to order. Town Chairman, Curt Peterson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Town Supervisors in attendance were: David Gollon, Charlie Price and David Blume. Also in attendance were Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson, Jeff Weber and Larry Forseth.
2) Approval of Public Notice/Agenda. Supervisor, David Gollon made a motion to approve the public notice and agenda seconded by Supervisor, Charlie Price. Motion carried.
David Blume made a motion to suspend the agenda and move to Item #17. David Gollon seconded the motion. Motion carried.
3) Closed Session in Accordance with Wisconsin Statue 19.85 (1) (c) to consider employment, promotion, employee hours, compensation or performance evaluation of any public employee of which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. David Blume made a motion to go into closed session in Accordance with Wisconsin Statue 19.85 (1) (c) to consider employment, promotion, employee hours, compensation or performance evaluation of any public employee of which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. David Gollon seconded the motion. Motion carried. Roll call: Peterson, yes; Gollon, yes; Price, yes; and Blume, yes.
4) Reconvene into Open Session. David Blume made a motion to reconvene into open session. David Gollon seconded the motion. Motion carried.
5) Discussion & possible action re: Fire Bills/Fire Contract with the City of Dodgeville. The Town Board, Larry Forseth and Jeff Weber discussed four fire bills belonging to two addresses that were received by the Town of Dodgeville in detail. Larry Forseth and Jeff Weber indicated that mutual aid mileage was billed and they were unsure why and felt it should be removed. David Blume made a motion to pay the fire bills minus the mutual aide mileage. David Gollon seconded the motion. Motion carried. David Gollon made a motion to bill the addresses for two calls at $1,500.00 each per the Town’s resolution. Charlie Price seconded the motion. Motion carried. The Town Board discussed the current fire contract and how municipalities are billed differently for fire calls and services with Larry Forseth and Jeff Weber. David Blume made a motion to issue notification to the City of Dodgeville and the fire department that the Town of Dodgeville would like to renegotiate the current fire contract. Charlie Price seconded the motion. Motion carried.
6) Discussion & possible action re: Amended Resolution 2008-109 Fire Calls in the Township of Dodgeville. The Town of Dodgeville discussed the resolution, however no action was taken due to the Town is working on be renegotiating the existing fire contract.
7) Approval of Meeting Minutes from August 7th, 2012. David Gollon made a motion to approve the minutes from August 7th, 2012 as presented. David Blume seconded the motion. Motion carried. Charlie Price abstained from the motion.
8) Approval of Treasurer’s Report for General, Sanitary District #1, 2, and Tax Collection Account. David Gollon made a motion to approve the Town of Dodgeville August 2012 Treasurer’s Report as submitted stating the following fund balances:
General Checking $ 143,474.15
Farmer’s Savings $ 51,558.94
M&I Tax Account $ 143,527.16
Local Government Investment Pool $ 6,959.71
M&I CD’s $ 101,165.25
Township Funds: $ 446,685.21
David Blume seconded the motion. Motion carried.
David Gollon made a motion to approve Sanitary Districts #1 and 2 Treasurer’s Report as submitted stating the following fund balances:
Sanitary District #1 $14,290.91
Sanitary District #2 $ 8,069.30
David Blume seconded the motion. Motion carried
9) Bills to be approved. Charlie Price made a motion to approve all the September vouchers as submitted totaling $12,970.30. David Gollon seconded the motion. Motion carried.
10) Town Roads/Equipment Report. Curt Peterson had indicated that we received a quote on crack filling and were going to crack fill Park Ridge and Savannah Terrace only as Survey Road exceeded the budgeted amount. Curt Peterson also indicated that the fence on Norwegian Hollow Road that was to be relocated was completed and he would be inspecting the location. Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson also indicated that Iverson Construction would be starting the Roh/Walters Road project shortly.
11) Clerk/Treasurer Report. Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson presented the Town Board with information in regards to the finalized equalized values and net new construction from the Department of Revenue. Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson also indicated that we received a copy of a violation notice that was sent to a resident from Iowa County Planning & Development.
12) Discussion & possible action re: Plan Commission Recommendations. The Town Board took no action on the petition due to the Plan Commission was waiting for definition clarification and would be submitting a recommendation at a different meeting.
13) Discussion & possible action re: Additional lighting in the Recycling Center. Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson presented the Town Board with two proposals. David Gollon made a motion to accept Johanning Electric’s proposal to provide labor and material for 8 – 8’ four tube florescent fixtures for $1,020.00 if the fixtures quoted were T-8 fixtures. David Blume seconded the motion. Motion carried.
14) Discussion & possible action re: Postage Machine Contract. Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson presented the Town Board with contract prices as requested. The Town Board discussed the pros and cons of the postage machines and contract. David Gollon made a motion to not renew the postage machine contract at this time. David Blume seconded the motion. Motion carried. Charlie Price was opposed.
15) Discussion & possible action re: Fall Clean-Up. Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson presented the Town Board information in regards to dates for the clean-up, prices for the dumpsters and prices charged for items received at the clean-up. The Town Board indicated that Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson could schedule the clean-up and the price for TV’s would be modified with a reduction of $5.00 as well as removing the charge for non-hazardous appliances. The Town Board directed Sara to change the information on the flyer that will be given to individuals at the Recycling Center.
16) Discussion & possible action re: Request for Proposals for Liability & Worker’s Compensation Insurance. The Town Board discussed obtaining proposals for our liability and worker’s compensation insurance that has a renewal date of November 1st. David Gollon made a motion to obtain proposals from a minimum of three insurance providers. The Town would request one proposal quoting our current coverage and one quoting any additional recommended coverage. David Blume seconded the motion. Motion carried.
17) Approval or Denial of Operator’s License for Ashley Mulholland and Patti Esch. David Blume made a motion to approve the operator’s license for Ashley Mulholland and Patti Esch. Charlie Price seconded the motion. Motion carried.
18) Discussion & possible adoption re: Resolution 2012-280 Regarding American transmission company’s application 137ce160 including 345 kv transmission and alternative solutions. David Blume made a motion to postpone this item until a representative from the energy planning information committee is present to present the information. David Gollon seconded the motion. Motion carried.
19) Board Action as a Result of Closed Session. David Gollon made a motion to have Curt Peterson present the full-time patrolman with a job description to be presented to his physician. Charlie Rolli is to respond with progress to Curt Peterson. Charlie Price seconded the motion. Motion carried.
20) Public Comment. Charlie Price indicated that he would be attending the workshop put on by the Towns Association in Mineral Point on September 11th.
21) Adjournment. David Blume made a motion to adjourn the meeting. David Gollon seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sara J. Olson, Clerk-Treasurer
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