1 Cover and Table of Contents
2 Section A Issues and Opportunities Element
3 Section B Housing Element
4 Section C Transportation Element
5 Section C Transportation Maps
6 Section C Transportation Tables
7 Section D Utilities and Community Facilities Element
8 Section D Utilities and Community Facilities Maps
9 Section E Agricultural, Natural, and Cultural Resources Element
10 Section E Agricultural, Natural, and Cultural Resources Maps
11 Section F Economic Development Element
12 Section G Intergovernmental Cooperation Element
13 Section G Intergovernmental Cooperation Map
14 Section H Land Use Element
15 Section H Land Use Map
16 Section I Implementation Element
17 Appendix A1, Survey Results, Issues and Opportunities Element
18 Appendix A2, Cluster Visioning Results, Issues and Opportunities Element
19 Appendix A3, Public Participation Plan, Issues and Opportunities Element
20 Appendix B1, April 4, 2004 Land Use Committee Minutes, Housing Element
21 Appendix C1 - C7 Transportation Element
22 Appendix E1, Natural Communities, Agricultural, Natural, and Cultural Resources Element
23 Appendix E2, T & E Species, Agricultural, Natural, and Cultural Resources Element
24 Appendix G1, Extraterritorial Zoning, Intergovernmental Cooperation Element
25 Appendix G2, Annexation, Intergovernmental Cooperation Element
Updated Comprehensive Plan
- Sep-07-2023 Ordinance No. 20-1 An Ordinance to Adopt an Amendm
- Sep-06-2023 Cover and Table of Contents
- Sep-05-2023 Section A Issues and Opportunities Element
- Sep-04-2023 Section B Housing Element
- Sep-03-2023 Section C Transportation Element
- Sep-02-2023 Section D Utilities and Community Facilities Element
- Sep-01-2023 Section E Agricultural, Natural, and Cultural Cultural Resourses Element
- Aug-31-2023 Section F Economic Development Element
- Aug-30-2023 Section G Inter-Governmental Cooperation Element
- Aug-29-2023 Land Use Map H-1 8-24-23
- Aug-29-2023 Section H Land Use Element
- Aug-28-2023 Section I Implementation Element
- Aug-27-2023 Appendix A1, Survey Results, Issues and Opportunities Element
- Aug-26-2023 Appendix A2, Cluster Visioning Results, Issues and Opportunities Element
- Aug-25-2023 Appendix A3, Public Participation Plan, Issues and Opportunities Element
- Aug-24-2023 Appendix B1, April 4, 2004 Land Use Committee Minutes
- Aug-00-2023 Appendix C1 - C7 Transportation Element
- Aug-13-2023 Appendix E1, Agricultural, Natural, And Cultural Element
- Aug-12-2023 Appendix E2, T & E Species, Agricultural, Natural, And Cultural Element
- Aug-11-2023 Appendix G1, Extraterritorial Zoning, Intergovernmental Cooperation Element
- Aug-10-2023 Appendix G2, Annexation, Intergovernmental Cooperation Element
- Aug-09-2023 Maps - Section C Transportation Element
- Aug-08-2023 Maps - Section D Utilities and Community Facilities
- Aug-06-2023 Maps - Section E Agricultural, Natural, And Cultural Element
- Aug-05-2023 Maps - Section G Intergovernmental Cooperation Element
- Aug-04-2023 Tables - Section C Transportation Element
If you have any question feel free to contact Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson at (608) 935-5808.