- August 4, 2009 Resolution No. 2009-265 Mutual Aid Box Alarm System Agreement
- July 7, 2009 Resolution 2009-264 Town of Dodgeville Fee Schedule
- June 2, 2009 Resolution 2009-263 Approving 2008 E-CMAR Report
- May 5, 2009 Resolution 2009-261 2010 Census
- May 5, 2009 Resolution 2009-262 DNR/DOT Offices
- April 14, 2009 2009-260 Resolution Opposing Proposed Changes to Wisconsin Prevailing Wage Law
- March 26, 2009 Resolution 2009-259 Resolution Designating Public Depository
- February 6, 2009 Resolution 2009-258 Authorizing the use of Special Registration Deputies and Tabulators on Election Day
- January 15, 2009 2009-257 Health Insurance Reimbursement and Compensation Policy